Книжная полка

John E. Bowlt: Moscow & St. Petersburg 1900-1920. Art, Life & Culture of the Russian Silver Age. the Vendome Press, 2008

Known in Russia as the Silver Age, this cultural renaissance is captured in all of its dazzling originality in this impeccably written, sumptuously illustrated volume.

Advancing in roughly chronological sequence, Moscow & St. Petersburg 1900-1920 develops themes and propositions that relate closely - but not exclusively - to key social and political development in Russian history, which were both refracted and affected by paiting, poetry, music, and dance. With some 650 illustrations, the book carries a rich repertoire of srtistic images and vintage documentary photographs, many of which have not been previously published. With a clear, authoritative text, helpful glossary, and extensive bibliography, this book appeals both to the specialist and to anyone captivated by Russian history and culture.

John E. Bowlt is a specialist in Russian art history of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and has published widely on Symbolism, the avant-garde, and Socialist Realism. His previous books include Russian Art of the Avant-Garde: Theory and Criticism 1902-34, The Silver Age:Russian Art of the Early Twentieth Century and the "World of Art" Group, and Amazons of the Avant-Garde: Alexandra Exter, Natalia Goncharova, Liubov Popova, Olga Rozanova, Varvara Stepanova, and Nadezhda Udaltsova. Bowlt has curated and co-curated numerous exhibitions. He is currently a professor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. 

CHF-USD 1.13
CHF-EUR 1.04
CHF-RUB 98.17



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