Опубликовано на Швейцария: новости на русском языке (https://nashagazeta.ch)


Advertising in Nasha Gazeta


Advertising in Nasha Gazeta.ch is an effective way of reaching the top Russian-speaking constituency in Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Germany, France and many other countries.

The media kit below presents all advertising opportunities at your disposal.


download Media Kit presentation (ENG)

download Media Kit presentation (FR)

download price list  (ENG)

download price list  (FR)


Technical requirements to banners:

Format: GIF, JPG, PNG, SWF; Flash-banners must have a GIF, JPEG or PNG stub.

For the calculations of clicks on flash-banners use hard-coded URLs (i.e. the ActionScript links directly to a URL like 'http://www.example.com'). The link may also be indicated with a clickTag variable (details)

Flash files must contain objects performing only the functions of regulating animation; the objects regulating animation must not use more than 35% of the capacity of Celeron 1,5 GHz processor, in peak condition – not more than 60%.

Paper edition

Besides the online daily, we also published, twice a year, a luxurious 160-page magazine. Details about this publication and the price list may be found here.


Please address all your advertising related questions to Nadia Sikorsky, editor-in-chief, at: nadia.sikorsky@nashagazeta.ch

Source URL: https://nashagazeta.ch/node/3